Boba Fett v3.0 – 3D Print – Armor, Abdominal Plate, Smoothing & Primer

Filling In The Grooves…

Now, it’s time to get this thing smooth and ready for paint.

Wet sanded the entire part with medium grit sandpaper.

First coat of primer.

Once the primer dried, you can really see the area where the two pieces connect isn’t very smooth. There’s a very evident “bump” that will need to be addressed.

I used the metal file to really take the area down to get rid of the hump.

Seems to look a lot better. We’ll see, for sure, once more primer is added.

Second coat of primer added.

And, after the primer dried, there was still a bit of a hump…

Used the metal file, again, and got a bit more aggressive with it.

Third coat of primer applied.

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