Boba Fett v3.0 – Soft Goods v3 – Boot Toe Spikes

Mail Call…

After waiting nine months, my Toe Spikes finally arrived…

The Toe Spikes, themselves, are REALLY nice quality…

However, the bracket doesn’t quite fit the front of the boot…

The bracket center portion is just too small to fit that part of the boot sole, so the ends stick out too much. I’ll need to make a new bracket that actually fits the boot.

Why not just send them back and get the correct size, you ask?

Long story short… After dealing with this vendor and hearing excuse after excuse about when the Toe Spikes would be shipped, I just don’t want to have anything to do with them any more.

It’s REALLY sad, because the Boots and Toe Spikes are really good quality. The sales person just has ZERO people skills…

Boba Fett v3.0 – Soft Goods v3 – Boots

Mail Call…

Got a killer deal on this pair of Wasted Fett boots which includes real metal spikes (to be received later). I had originally intended to build my boots out of a base pair of high top shoes, but after figuring in the amount of time I’d probably spend doing that, vs the cost of these, it was a no brainer…

Boba Fett v3.0 – Flight Suit

Mail Call…

Amazon had the Red Kap coveralls on sale for $21.74, so I went ahead and bought 2 to use for the construction of the flight suit…

I bought the white, long sleeved version. Once completed, it will need to dyed the correct color.

Boba Fett v3.0 – Taking A Vacation

Time For A Break…

With the recent failure of two of my parts, and having to go through all of the repair work, I am getting a little frustrated with how long it’s taking to get this costume done. I really want to join the 501st, sooner, rather than later. So, I have decided to put Boba Fett on hold, for now, and build a costume that isn’t as demanding. Once that’s done, I can then pick back up on Boba Fett…

The parts of Fett, all boxed up and awaiting my return…

Boba Fett v3.0 – 3D Print – Armor, Collar Plate, Repair, Continued

Let’s Fix This…

With the J-B Weld completely dry, I’m happy with the strength of the fix. So, onward I go…

The amount of of extra space needed was fairly large, in order to remove the tension on the Collar Plate while connected to the Back Plate. It will now need to be filled with filament.

I used my soldering iron to melt it into the opening.

This seemed to work pretty well, because it actually melted the existing plastic and really helped it to bond to the new filament.

Tools assembled for the next task…

The metal rasp was used, first, to take the majority of the overfill off…

The result. Lots of scratches, but these will all get filled with glazing putty later.

Boba Fett v3.0 – 3D Print – Armor, Collar Plate, Repair, Continued

Let’s Fix This…

Supplies secured, now it’s time to get to work…

Measuring the length needed for the metal reinforcement.

Strapping cut down to the correct length.

I then made some rough marks where it needed to me cut for the front angles.

Metal strapping, front angles cut.

The Collar Plate was then reconnected to the Back Plate. I did this so I was able to add in some empty space, which will get filled in later, to try and take some of the pressure off of the pieces when connected. Ready to mix the J-B Weld…

I put a layer of mixed J-B Weld onto the parts…

Then, pressed the metal strapping into the J-B Weld and clamped it.

I then added more J-B Weld along the edges so that it encapsulated the metal strapping. I’ll let this dry, and see how well it holds.