Scout Trooper – Weathering

Let’s Get Dirty!

While my DLT-19x is printing and we’re having unseasonably warm weather today, I will take advantage and add the weathering to my Armor…

For the weathering, I’ll be using the suggested Tamiya Matt Black spray paint, along with a few other colors that I hope will work.

Because I’ve never really done this type of weathering before, I decided to start with the Boots…

The Boots now have a bit of weathering…

And, the rest of the Armor has been weathered, as well. I also weathered the Codpiece and Cummerbund/Pouches but forgot to take a photo…

    Scout Trooper – Armor – Detonator – Assembly, Completed

    Putting It Together…

    Final assembly…

    With the tube wrapping completed, it’s time to finish building the Detonator…

    The tube sits in a small cradle, and is then held in place with a black zip tie.

    After it was tight, I cut off the unneeded length of zip tie.

    Completed zip tie installation.

    The last piece is the back cover.

    Back cover installed.

    Completed Thermal Detonator.

    Scout Trooper – Armor – Detonator – Assembly, Continued

    Putting It Together…

    Wrapping the tube…

    The paint on the cable is finally dry enough to work with…

    I fed some of the cable into the hole I drilled, and then put a dab of hot glue to hold it in place.

    The cable was then tightly wrapped around the tube, and fed into the other hole near the middle. Some more hot glue was used to secure it.

    One side successfully wrapped.

    I then installed the belt clip.

    View of the clip from the front.

    Other side completely wrapped.

    Other clip installed.

    View of back side…

    View of front side…

    Scout Trooper – Armor – Detonator – Assembly, Continued

    Putting It Together…

    Prepping for the cable…

    To install the cable around the main tube, I am going to start it by poking it into a small hole to secure it while it’s wrapped. The first hole gets drilled on the back side near the end, right up next to where the end cap gets attached.

    Then, with the end cap in place, I marked where the matching hole gets drilled through it…


    Then, the hole was drilled through the end cap shaft.

    Scout Trooper – Armor – Detonator – Modding, Continued

    It’s All About The Details…

    Making it screen accurate…

    The rubber that this cord is made of is a bit tough to paint. The paint takes an extremely long time to dry, if ever. So, I decided to try painting it with a black paint meant for plastic, first. Then, I will paint it the proper gray, later. I wrapped it around a piece of PVC pipe, making sure to wrap it exactly the way it will be wrapped on the actual Detonator tube.

    The cord was then painted with the black paint.

    The second extension cord was then split into two separate pieces, as well. The unused side was discarded.

    The second cord was wrapped on the PVC pipe, and painted black, as well. Now, these just need to dry until they’re no longer sticky…

    Scout Trooper – Armor – Detonator – Assembly, Continued

    Putting It Together…

    Adding the other greeble…

    This greeble will just get glued to the main box. I would have preferred to use a small screw to help better secure it, but it’s just too thin. First, I placed the greeble into position, and then used painter’s tape to mark where I need to scrape off the paint, so that it will make a good connection.

    I used heavy sandpaper to remove the paint down to expose some of the plastic…

    Then, the greeble was attached with a nice glob of super glue.