Helmet v2.0 – The Unboxing

Let’s Do This…

After digging through the attic, I found my old “to do” box of Fett parts. Here is the Don Post Standard Boba Fett Helmet that I purchased back in the mid 90s. Since the helmet is the most iconic part of the costume, this is where I am going to start…

Front View
Left Side.
Back View.
Right Side.
Closeup of the Rangefinder.
Detail of the copyright info.
Detail of the Don Post info.
Detail of the visor area.
Detail of the left cheek.
Detail of visor left side area.
Detail of left ear.
Detail of back keyhole area.
Detail of right ear.
Detail of right cheek.
Detail of visor right side area.
Detail of side of rangefinder.
Detail of front of rangefinder.
Detail of interior.

Initial Thoughts

Due to the helmet being packed away, in a box, in an attic where it has experienced extreme heat/cold cycles for several years, it had become a bit distorted. The vinyl material is still quite flexible, so I’m thinking it shouldn’t be a problem.

After comparing it to detailed photos of the actual helmet on the internet, I do see quite a few things that don’t quite match up. However, compared to the v1.0 helmet, this helmet is way more accurate. I plan to just go over the entire helmet and make the necessary corrections to bring it up to the proper standards

Cost: $25.00

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