Christmas In May?
No, just another idea to try and make the rangefinder screen look cool…
I brainstormed a bit, and decided to try using fiber-optics to get the light where I need it to go. Since I just needed a very small bit of fiber-optic line, I scoured Ebay and found these crazy holiday lights that have fiber-optics as part of their make-up…
Cost: $1.89
Santa, with a fiber-optic beard?
Insanity. But, it was cheap, so…
After a bit of de-construction (sorry, Santa…), I had some fiber-optics…
I removed the tape that holds all of the strands together and it looks like they melted all of the ends into one big blob…
I cut a small piece of rubber automotive vacuum hose to use to attach the fiber-optics to the end of the green LED…
This is how the green LED looks, currently…
Testing the fiber-optic rig…
Well, as far as the LED to fiber-optic connection. I will now need to see if it’s actually possible to incorporate this into the actual rangefinder.