Prep Work…
Time to prime…

This will show what areas still need work…

And, immediately after being sprayed, you can clearly see the problem areas…

After the primer dried, it got a wet sanding with 220 grit sand paper…

The Back also got a wet sanding with 220 grit sand paper…

Both parts are now caught up to the same point, so they both got another generous coating of glazing and spot putty…

This time, they both got wet sanded with 500 grit sand paper…

Then, they both got another coat of primer…

The Back is looking pretty smooth, so it got a final wet sanding with 1000 grit sand paper…

The Chest still has some problem areas, so it got another wet sanding with 500 grit sand paper…

Detail of the problem areas on the Chest extensions…

I applied another coat of glazing & spot putty…

The Back got a first coat of white paint, which was blended into the existing paint…

The Chest got another wet sanding with 500 grit sand paper…

And then another coat of primer to see how things are looking…