Let’s Do This…

Five days until Halloween. I need to knock these Boots out…

The first thing I need to do is remove these cloth laces…

They will be replaced with this elastic…

The laces have been removed…

I need to crimp the end of the elastic, so I’ll be adding a bit of HeatBond…

The HeatBond applied…

Then, the end was pressed over…

And sewn to secure…

Not too pretty, but it will be hidden…

The base Boots have been relaced with the elastic…

Next, I’ll be using Shoe Goo…

To attach these loose ends to the tops of the Boots…

And clamp them in place to dry…

All four ends clamped in place to dry…

While the laces dry, I can start working on stretching the vinyl…

This is a semi-slow process where you heat the vinyl with a hair dryer, then stretch it over the toe of the Boot and pin it in place…

You just have to keep repeating the process until you work out the wrinkles…

And you have a nice tight fit…

Here, both Boots are about done…

The edge of where I want the front cover to end has been marked…

And, cut…

I then used a thin strip of painters tape to mark where the edge of the front piece needs to reach to, and to keep excess glue from going to far…

I applied a healthy amount of Shoe Goo to the toe area and smoothed it out with a pop sicle stick…

Then, reapplied the vinyl. You will need to possibly reheat and stretch it to get it nice and smooth again…