Scout Trooper – Codpiece, Construction, Continued

The Next Soft Part…

The intimidation is real…

To try and get the final details as accurate as possible, I printed out a 1:1 copy of the bottom portion…

I cut the chevron part out…

Then, applied it to my pattern…

And, sewed a test into my test piece. Looks good, to me…

So, I cut a new piece of paper to create a new pattern piece…

Traced and cut out the bottom portion…

Marked where the top of the chevron should go…

And ended up with my new template…

A new piece of foam was traced and cut out…

Test fitting the foam…

Since I’m having to use two layers of batting, I decided to sandwich the foam in between them. This should help cut down on any sharp edges of the foam showing through the white material…

I’ll just lightly coat both sides with the spray adhesive…

The foam, sandwiched in…

The Codpiece was then turned right side out…

The results, so far…

To finish up, I need to stitch in the chevron. So, I’ll use my last template to mark the first one…

The template in the correct position…

I then traced the edge…

To give me a guideline…

The first line was sewn…

Then, the second line was sewn about 1/4 of an inch above the first…

I then took a rough measurement to the bottom of the back of the Vest, and marked the elastic. I’ll need to add some Velcro here…

And, another piece at the bottom of the Vest…

Here, the loop side has been added to the bottom of the Vest…

And the hook side is attached to the elastic strapping…

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