Joining The Empire…
It was a very difficult decision to put Boba Fett on hold, but since I have a 3D printer, I wanted to try a new costume, and test out using a different type of filament. I will be transitioning from PLA to PET-G. PET-G is supposed to be just as easy as PLA to print, but is much stronger and can withstand higher temperatures. I have located some very promising 3D print files for Return of the Jedi Scout Trooper Helmet, Armor, and Blaster. The Scout Trooper has always been one of my favorite soldiers of the Empire. So, I figured, why not give this one a shot…
The EC-17 Blaster 3D print files I’ll be using were obtained from thingiverse. The exact file is:

After several days of re-calibrating and testing with my 3D printer, I now have it printing PET-G pretty well. I decided to start printing with the EC-17 Blaster…

First part to get printed was the tip of the barrel.

The next parts to get printed were the three pieces that go on the back area of the blaster.

Three blaster rings on the build plate.

Three blaster rings removed from the build plate.