Making It More Screen Accurate…
While the 3D print file is really nice, there are a few things that need to be done in order to make it more screen accurate…

First thing is, the barrel on the screen used blaster, had no hole. So, this will need to be filled.

On the scope, the dials will need some work. In fact, it will need to have a third protrusion added opposite the main two…

The rear of the scope should be closed off…

As well as the front of the scope.

To do most of the modding, I’ll be using Bondo.

Bondo mixed and applied to the barrel tip…

And, the front of the scope.

Once the Bondo was at the “leathery” stage, I used a utility knife to slice it down almost flush with the barrel tip. This saves a lot of sanding time.

Rough-shaped the Bondo while in the “leathery” stage, with a utility knife.

When the Bondo was fully cured, I fine shaped the end of the scope with medium grit sandpaper.