Scout Trooper – Flight Suit – Modding, Continued

Thigh Patches…

I have been procrastinating working on the Thigh Patches because they seem like a very daunting project. I guess it’s now time to just jump into it…

First thing I did was try to get a rough idea of where my Knee Armor would sit. So, in a sitting position, I marked the top with a piece of painter’s tape.

This was then transfered to the other leg, as well.

The suggested sizing of the Thigh Patches is that they need to end roughly 2 to 3 inches from your knee cap. For me, it would make the inseam of the suede pieces about 10 inches. So, I marked that with a safety pin.

While wearing the Flight Suit, I then marked the front area approximately where the crotch began to go under. Another suggested measurement is the width of the Thigh Patch at the begining of the crotch area should be about 3 1/2 inches. So, I marked that, too. This now gives me a rough interpretation of where the Thigh Patch needs to go…

Using some newsprint paper, I did a rough sketch…

The template, cut out, with 1/2 seams added. I then used the template to cut a piece of felt and attached it to the Flight Suit with safety pins. I put the suit on, and the shape just wasn’t right. So, I made some mental notes of what needed to change on the template…

Making a new sketch…

The new template, cut to size…

I cut out a new piece of felt, and safety pinned it to the Flight Suit. After trying it on, it looked much better, this time. On to the rear…

I started by making a copy of the front template and used that to create the back template.

I cut out a test piece, in felt, and then tried the Flight Suit on. It seemed to look pretty good.

So, I now have my templates…

The dreaded part… Cutting up my suede…

One piece done.

Both rear panels cut out.

One front panel done.

Both front panels cut out.

All in all, this wasn’t really as bad as I thought it would be. It did take about 3 1/2 hours of continuously putting on the Flight Suit, testing pieces, making adjustments, etc. But, I think it all paid off. I guess we’ll see, once I begin sewing the suede pieces to the actual Flight Suit.

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