More Fitting…
Last night, I tried the Flight Suit on, and the fit was horrible. I was very discouraged, and decided just to walk away from it, and try to tackle it another day. So, this morning I will try working on it with a fresh mind…

The first part I decided to work on was the torso. The crotch area seemed to hang way too low, so I found that by bringing in some of the torso I could raise the crotch area. I used the horizontal waist band as a guide and ended up tucking in about 2 inches of material.

I then stitched it up, using the same stitch lines that were already there. I tried the Flight Suit on, and the fit felt way better.

The thigh area of the Flight suit is still a bit baggy, so I’m now going to start working on firming it up. I’m thinking I will start by bringing in the inseam a bit more.

Looking at my original stitch job, I didn’t really get it correct anyway. The front and back aren’t aligned correctly, plus I don’t think I stitched the inseam in deep enough because there’s a large hole that shouldn’t be there…

Ripping out the old seam…

Seam opened.

After making sure everything is correctly lining up, I stitched the inseam back together using the new guideline I sketched in…

Inseam resewn…

All of the pieces are now aligning correctly, and the big hole is gone. I knida dreaded having to redo this part, but now that it’s done, I’m glad I actually took the time to do it. The fit of the crotch area is way better. Now, I just need to tighten up the upper thigh area.

I tried the Flight Suit back on and made some rough marks to indicate how much material needed to be removed…

I used those marks to figure out the actual stitch lines for both legs….

I then ripped the old seams open.

This allowed me to redo the thigh straps. They were now way too loose. I ripped the seams on the back part to remove them, remeasured the length they needed to be, cut them, and then restitched them back into place.

Once the strap work was completed, I sewed up the thigh seam. Time for a new test fitting. I kinda need to be a bit of a contortionist to get into it, but this Flight suit now fits like a glove.