Adding Better Functionality…
With everything else pretty much completed on the Helmet, I need to add some magnets to keep the Visor/Face Plate closed when it’s tipped forward…

I temporarily installed the hinge bolts…

Detail of the two parts, closed.

I’ve determined the best place for the magnets will be near the bottom, below where the chin strap opening is…

Using my dremel, I bore out a shallow indention…

Then, super glued a magnet into position.

I then did the same thing for the other side. Both magnets are now installed into the main part of the Helmet.

I then aligned the magnets on the Visor/Face Plate, and super glued them in place.

Once the super glue was dry, I then mixed up some J-B Weld to use as reinforcement around the magnets. I’m hoping this will help keep them in place.