These Seem Simple Enough…
We’ll see…

For the Pouches, I’ll be using the Pouch Tutorial as found on the Pathfinders Forums…

I printed out the Tutorial PDF and dug out the Pouch material (White Duck Cloth)…

The Pouch material had been sitting in it’s bag for quite a while, so it needed a serious ironing…

Rather than try to print the pieces at full size, and take a chance on them not being the right size, I just manually transferred the measurements over to the cloth…

For the pouch fronts, you need four pieces. So, I stacked up 4 layers of cloth under the transfer I did. And, then pressed it with the iron…

I then used a straight edge and rotary cutter to cut the four pieces out all in one shot…

All of the excess cloth has been removed…

Leaving the four pieces…

Next will be the Pouch back and side pieces…

You need two, so I stacked up two pieces of cloth…

Which were pressed and cut out…

Next will be the Pouch front pieces…

You need two, so I stacked up two pieces of cloth…

Which were pressed and cut out…

And, finally are the optional Pouch inner flap pieces. You need eight, total…

With all of the pieces cut, it’s now time to start assembling them. Two of the front flap pieces will get sewn together. So, I pinned them together…

Sewing the front flap pieces together. NOTE: make sure you keep the top seam open. It will get closed later in the building process…

Here are the two front flap pieces, ready for the next step…

I used an iron to press the seams backwards, so that I can remove any overlap at the angles…

Using scissors to remove the overlap at the angles…

This gives you a nice, flat seam along the edge…

The flaps were then turned inside out, (or, is it outside out?)…

Then, pressed with an iron, making sure the seams remained flat…

Now, a 45 degree angle is cut at each side of the top open area. This then gets folded inside…

And sewn closed across the top…

For the flap closure, it calls for a 3/4 inch square of loop material…

You’ll need two, one for each flap…

The loop pieces are attached 1/2 inch from the bottom and 3/8 inch from the straight side…

The loop pieces pinned and sewn into place…

The next step was to attach two pieces of the inner flaps together, making four total…

These were then sewn, leaving one side open on each one…

The bottom seams were then cut at a 45 degree angle…

Then, the inner flaps were all turned outside out, tucking in the seams, so that they are flat as possible, and pressed with an iron…

The hook portion of the closure gets attached to the Pouch front pieces. These are 1one inch squares, and there are no exact measurements as to where they are attached. You just sort of have to “eyeball” it…

The hook portion has been sewn in place…

The next step is to sew the Pouch fronts to the pouch backs…