Padding The Sleeves…
Finishing up the sleeve parts.

Back to working on sewing the lines on the first sleeve…

First sleeve completed.

Second sleeve, with the first guide line marked.

Batting cut to size and placed into position.

First line pinned and ready to be sewn.

Sewing one of the lines…
Tip #1: I’ve seen it stated that you should remove your pins before you sew over them in order to keep your needle from breaking if it strikes one. However, I found that removing the pins slowed down the sewing process and also allowed the bottom piece of fabric to “bunch” up and create a bit more “tension” than the top piece. Leaving the the pins in helped keep everything aligned and there was no bunching/tension, plus sewing the lines went a LOT faster. The few times the needle did hit a pin, it just rolled right off of it. So…

Second sleeve with all of the lines sewn.
Tip #2: If you use batting that contains polyester, do NOT use a hot iron on it. It will melt it and you will lose the puffiness that you are trying to create.

Both finished sleeves.